Results Manager

If an application needs to do more than simply export OCR results to a searchable text or PDF document, then the Internal Structured Data generated by a call to recognizeToMemory() can be accessed through iterators generated via a set of “Get” functions. The Get functions and the iterators, as a whole, are referred to as the Results Manager. Everything from a Document to a Character is a subclass of the Result object. The term, result element, is used to refer to any document, page, region, text block, text line, word, or character.

In order to use the Results Manager, it is beneficial to understand the relationship between the different layers of the Internal Structured Data. (See figures 1 and 2 in OCR Xpress for Java Functionality)

The Results Manager allows applications to access the layers of the Internal Structured Data in a coherent manner. In short, applications can interrogate every item in every sub-layer of a page, every item in every sub-layer of a text block, and so on. Every result element can be interrogated for its content, its position in the image, or even the confidence that the OCR result is correct.

A particular result (e.g., a word) can be accessed in one of the following ways:



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